Autism spectrum disorder and digestive symptoms


hi I’ve been given a new diagnosis so I

wanted to come on here and talk to you

guys about

it basically as regular viewers will

know I’ve had problems with my digestive

system my entire life when I was a young

child my uh digestive symptoms got so

bad that my mom took me to the GP who

referred me to a specialist a children’s

specialist at my local hospital and they

did a bunch of tests and scans and such

and they couldn’t find out what was

going on and they ended up ultimately

diagnosing me with abdominal migraine um

which had never heard of before but

apparently that’s what they said it was

and because that’s what they said it was

we believed them and off I went and then

I had digestive system issues basically

just continually from that point um by

the time I was an adult I was being

unwell regularly I don’t want to go into

too much detail in case there are any

other am metaphores watching this video

um I was feeling nauseous whenever I ate


I was struggling really badly with

constipation I was having this

occasional really sharp severe stomach

pain where I would have to like stop and

breathe through it um but honestly I

went to the GP a few times with these

symptoms and they would just tell me oh

it’s just IBS don’t worry about it

there’s not really anything we can do so


I suppose the thing is is that when you

don’t have any reference of what your

body should feel like and because I had

always felt like this I just assume that

this was how Being Human felt I think I

also thought that I was getting a lot of

stomach bugs like I would be like oh

yeah I’ve got a sickness bug every time

it happened or that I was getting food

poisoning a lot but like a lot a lot and

then fast forward to my late 30s and I

was diagnosed with autism and then a few

years later with a connective tissue

disorder called EDS so EDS is as I’ve

said a connective tissue disorder which

is genetic and connective tissue is

everywhere in your body including your

digestive system so it’s very common for

people with that condition to have also

problems with their digestive system and

in addition it’s also very common for

autistic people to have problems with

their digestive system now with an

official diagnosis of this netive tissue

disorder I got taken a little bit more

seriously and referred to a

gastroenterologist and my

gastroenterologist is amazing I love him

with all of my heart because I been

under him now for coming up to 5 years

and he has taken me seriously and he

very early on in um me seeing him told

me that he was not going to discharge me

quickly he was going to be thorough and

find out what was going on with me so

yeah he did like a lot of tests over the

years he has done a lot of tests

colonoscopy endoscopy


MRI CT scans you

know you name it I’ve kind of had it and

we have now got three conclusive

diagnosises which explain the digestive

issues I have two of which I’ve had for

a while now and this new one that I was

given last week so let’s start with the

historical ones so the very first thing

he tested me for was slow


Transit constipation

because of the symptoms that I described

and what you do is you swallow a bunch

of radioactive markers and then a

certain number of days later I’m not

entirely sure how many maybe six maybe

seven days later they x-ray you and if

the markers have not

descended or in fact are still there

then that means that you’re diagnosed

with slow Transit constipation which

means that your bowel is not pushing

through stuff as fast as it should

they’re not entirely sure what causes

this um it might be a nerve thing thing

they’re really not sure but it is uh

something that I was diagnosed with very

early on and then I was put on a daily

laxative which has proven really useful

in part of the controlling of my

symptoms and I think also just to

finally get someone go there is

something that we can see on a test that

is going on that might be contributing

to these symptoms so quickly in the

process was really reassuring and

helpful and then I uh was diagnosed with

lact lose intolerance so what they do is

they give you a lactose drink and then

you sit in a little waiting area and

every 20 minutes or so you go and blow

into a machine and I think it’s to do

with if you’re not processing the

lactose properly then hydrogen builds up

and you can see that hydrogen on the

breath test and very quickly they were

able to say yes you have lactose

intolerance so I have been able to

change my diet as a result of that and

reduce massively the amount of lactose

that I eat I’m not hyper strict about


Dairy because actually a lot of people

don’t realize that a lot of dairy does

not have that much lactose in it so for

example certain cheeses due to the way

that they’re processed have most of the

lactose reduced and so you can eat them

but I don’t have milk yogurt ice cream

things that are definitely going to be

full of lactose I don’t have anymore and

that helped with my symptoms but I still

was having a lot of symptoms and

struggling and then I had a test that

was to do with the speed of my stomach


which is like a radioactive meal test so

this one some of the tests I’ve had are

like weird ass um this one you go in and

they give you in my case radioactive

scrambled egg and some water to drink

that also has radioactive stuff in it

you eat this meal and then you stay in

this room and there’s a big screen and

every 20 minutes you go and stand in

front of the screen like kind of flat up

against the screen and then you can see

your stomach and obviously you you can

see the food because it’s radioactive

and you can see how quickly it’s leaving

your stomach and you’re there for 6

hours after doing this every 20 minutes

so that they can time it and the results

of that test were that liquid was

leaving my stomach at the usual rate but

solids the food the scrambled egg was

not it was delayed but they said that

because the liquid had left it was most

likely to be caused by an obstru ction

of some kind in my bowel which led them

to suspect to be honest either Crohn’s


cancer so like the doctor was like we

need to do a capsule endoscopy which is

rather than sticking a tube down your

throat to look into your stomach they

give you the camera in a little capsule

that you swallow and then you wear like

this little pack have the data gets put

on the pack and you give the pack back

and they can look at at your whole bow

it’s all been recorded by this Groovy

Little camera I mean how cool is that

right so I do this test and the results

of that were that my bowel is like

normal fine no obstruction no sign of

Crohn’s no sign of Cancer yay so we’re

obviously very happy about that but that

was like N9 months ago and the plan was

to have a follow-up appointment with my

gastroenterologist to talk about the

results and what that meant moving

forwards so obviously because right now



NHS is under pressure my appointment

got massively delayed and I didn’t get

SE until last week and he said that

their suspicion after the gastric

empting stud study the scrambled egg

meal was this diagnosis but they had to

rule out cancer and Crohn’s first but

that basically what this meant was that

I was going to be diagnosed with

gastroparesis gastroparesis basically in

my very unscientific understanding of it

means that because of nerve issues my

stomach is kind of paralyzed if you like

in that it doesn’t push food or empty

itself as fast as it should and food

stays in my stomach for too long which

causes me to be nauseous and causes me

to be sick

it’s a bit of a shock I mean honestly

after 20 years of being dismissed by

doctors I really thought that I was just

making it up I really thought that I was

just like overthinking my digestive

issues I’ve been told that before now

overthinking my digestive issues or

focusing too much on the sensations are

all the things that people have told me

over the years because I’m female

presenting and because of medical bias

and because of whatever I have been

given a team now so I will see a

psychologist who will help support me

with the challenges of living with this

diagnosis I will see a dietitian who

will advise me on the dietary stuff and

I’ve also been given a medication that I

can take when needed to deal with the

nausea that I get as a result of my

gastroparesis it’s kind of upsetting to

think that this is something that won’t

ever be cured I’ll always have this it’s

kind of upsetting to think that as well

as autism


ADHD EDS I also have this

thing um but joking aside it is what it

is and I’m quite a positive person so

I’m going to take it on board I’m going

to use it to inform my um life moving

forwards and hopefully improve my

digestive symptoms even more so yeah

that’s it that’s me that’s my new

diagnosis I hope that you’ve found this

video interesting perhaps if you are

experiencing symptoms similar to mine

it’s something for you to investigate

and think about um I would always

recommend not getting your advice from

someone on the internet so if it has

made you go oh wait hang .

thankyou reading and I will

see you next time goodbye



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