Best ehr for family practice



today we are going to

talk about which ehr you need for your

private practice


now i wrote a blog post about this

i don’t know maybe like three years ago

and talked about your options for

writing notes within different

electronic health records or ehrs so now

that blog post is maybe a little

outdated but better yet i am going to

walk you through the requirements you

need to have for an ehr so you can make

the best decision for you because

spoiler alert there’s no one perfect ehr

sorry and there’s no one great ehr

that’s going to fit every one of your

needs so instead what we’re going to do

today is go through the criteria you

want to use so that when you’re shopping

for an ehr or when you’re looking to

switch ehrs you know exactly where to go

and what to do

okay so the first thing is to figure out

what are your non-negotiables everyone’s

going to have different non-negotiables

for example if you’re a group practice

certain things might be important to you

that are completely irrelevant to a solo

practitioner for example the need to

have notes approved or signed by a

supervisor or someone else or the

ability to assign people rooms when they

are booking therapy sessions

whereas if you’re an individual

practitioner pricing might actually be

one of your biggest criteria

and a lot of the ehrs have different

pricing options they might charge you by

client by month by number of clinicians

etc so think through what come up

immediately for you as a non-negotiable

what’s something you really want that

you really value

and you want to write that down and use

that as part of your criteria the rest

of the criteria i’m going to walk you

through because there are five specific

things that i think every ehr has to

have and it’s not worth paying for one

if they don’t offer that to you

Client Portal

okay so number one is a full client

portal so what does that mean what do i

mean when i say client portal that means

the ability to message your clients just

like email

except instead of them getting an email

they get a link

to their email address and that link

takes them to the ehr they log in you

know they initially create a login then

they log in and they can access all of

their information there that’s the only

way you can know that their information

is being secure through the ehr so this

functionality is huge this is what you

need for being able to share messages

with people so that you don’t have to

use email with clients

and the other big thing is this is how

you can send documents and get them

signed so your clients shouldn’t have to

download something and print it out i

mean this is not 2010 okay no printing

out if you’re using an ehr because you

don’t need to do that and don’t make

your clients do it it’s just not fun

Intake Documents

so instead your clients are able to just

create a login

read through their documents click

accept and sign and electronically sign

everything within the system so it’s 100

secure or at least as much as it can be

online and it’s super convenient for

everyone involved

okay the second thing is related you

want to be able to upload your own

intake documents or really documents of

any kind so if you have surveys you want

people to complete your intake forms

your informed consent for someone to

sign but also things like your intake

assessment and questionnaires forms that

you want clients to fill out online

and this is something that really is

non-negotiable for me because so many

ehrs offer this as an option there is no

reason to pay for an ehr that’s not

giving it to you

so again let me reiterate there should

be no need to use any other system with

your ehr in order to get a complete

intake done no one should have to go to

a printer no one should have to download


okay so the third thing that i think is

non-negotiable is being able to create

your own progress notes template now i

have another video on this so i will

link to that here

but you want to be able to create your

own progress note template because it’ll

be so much faster

when you have the ability to create your

own progress note template within the

ehr you’re able to save yourself hours

over time by doing things like using

check boxes fill in the blank options

and creating shortcuts for yourself so

this really should be a fully

customizable option again so many ehrs

do have this as an option there’s no

reason to pay for one that doesn’t offer

it now the fourth thing you want to look

at is does it integrate with your

calendar again this is an easy thing to

do in 2022 okay so your ehr should be

able to read your google calendar or

whatever calendar

and make sure that you’re not double

booking yourself now if you’re someone

like me and you have adhd this is huge

because guess what at some point you’re

going to end up double booking yourself

or you’re going to end up booking a

doctor’s appointment and have to

reschedule and it creates

major hassle avoid it don’t do it let

the ehr work for you this is what you’re

paying for

it’s like a little mini assistant so use

it no calendar integration no go now

lastly the other big thing people ask me

about a streetman plans we’re going to

do a whole separate video on that



all the treatment plan options suck

it’s just how it is in ehrs they don’t

have good treatment plan options i don’t

like most of them so i’m gonna do a

whole separate video to show you how to

simplify a treatment plan within an ehr

but one thing you can do is try out any

ehr you’re considering

test it out and see which one you like

the most

and ultimately that’s what i recommend

so what i like might be different from

what you like might be different from

what someone else likes and that’s

totally fine but the thing is you have

the option to try them out test run them

write notes in them

check out the ehr and see if it works

for you

EHR Setup Day

now if you are one of many therapists i

work with

who pay for an ehr and have yet to

actually set it up and use it

then i have something for you we will be

doing an ehr setup day this is a full

co-working day where i walk you through

exactly what you need to do to set up

your ehr so it doesn’t matter what ehr

you have.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e 

doing an ehr setup day this is a full

co-working day where i walk you through

exactly what you need to do to set up

your ehr so it doesn’t matter what ehr

you have .


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